Just a few questions to get a little background on your Mac usage:
1. How long have you been using Apple computer products? Less than 1 year 1 to 2 years 3 to 5 years More than 5 years
2. What Apple products do you currently use? Mac Pro iMac MacBook MacBook Pro iPad iPhone
3. How do you use your Mac? Home/Personal Business Ministry Graphic Design Communications/Social Networking Other:
4. What software titles do you use most often? List 3 or 4.
5. Do you run Windows on your Mac? If yes, what system are you running? No Windows for me. I'm all Mac. Boot Camp with Windows XP Boot Camp with Windows Vista or 7 VM Ware Fusion with Windows XP VM Ware Fusion with Windows Vista or 7 Other
6. Check all of the following categories that you would like assistance with: Managing User Accounts Backup and Security Networking iPhone/Smart Phone Integration Office Productivity Training for a specific application: Other:
7. Contact Information:
Please add me to your Mac Events mailing list.
8. Preferred Meeting Days/Time: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday AM PM